Why purchase machined parts from one source, fabricated parts from another, and assembly from yet another when you can single-source all your needs through us? With our 3D CAD/CAM software we ensure that the product purchased is the best available for the required operation. Products shipped from Custom Tool & Machine can be assembled, optimized, and customized to ensure reliability and complete customer satisfaction. State-of-the-art inspection, calibration and testing equipment ensure your products are built to your specifications.

  • Swiss Machining
  • CNC Lathes with Milling Capability and Barfeeders
  • High Speed Milling
  • Low Volume Tooling and Prototype Machining
  • Production Milling & Turning
  • 3D Milling
  • 4th Axis Milling
  • 4th Axis Turning
  • Precision Tooling
  • Prototype Parts